AchAqui: O Portal que traz o Melhor do Brasil até Portugal

Bem-vindo à AchAqui, a sua conexão direta com os sabores e produtos autênticos do Brasil em Portugal! Somos mais do que um supermercado online; somos um elo entre tradição e inovação, trazendo a riqueza da culinária brasileira para a sua vida.

Na AchAqui, cada produto é cuidadosamente selecionado, refletindo a diversidade e a qualidade dos alimentos brasileiros. Desde ingredientes essenciais até delícias irresistíveis, nossa missão é proporcionar uma experiência de compra única, onde a autenticidade é o ingrediente principal.

Últimos Testemunhos

O que as pessoas falam

Top Quality, Beautiful Location

"I was skeptical of SEO and content marketing at first, but the Lorem Ipsum Company only proved itself financially speaking, but the response I have received from is incredible."

Gwen J. Geiger


Top Quality, Beautiful Location

"I was skeptical of SEO and content marketing at first, but the Lorem Ipsum Company only proved itself financially speaking, but the response I have received from is incredible."

Constance K. Whang

CEO, Company

Top Quality, Beautiful Location

"I was skeptical of SEO and content marketing at first, but the Lorem Ipsum Company only proved itself financially speaking, but the response I have received from is incredible."

Christopher R. Lee

Managing Director

Top Quality, Beautiful Location

"I was skeptical of SEO and content marketing at first, but the Lorem Ipsum Company only proved itself financially speaking, but the response I have received from is incredible."

Eileen R. Chu

Marketing Director